Like most American's, I am prepared to greet young costumed visitors at my door with small bars of chocolate and a smile. In this part of the country, unlike the east coast, weather is cooperating with crisp air and clear skies. I have never been one to jump into this holiday with extravagant costumes, but I did enjoy the years my children came up with creative outfits. There was the "laundry basket," that was a big hit with everyone who saw my daughter approaching in the middle of a plastic hamper with bottom cut out for her legs, stuffed with towels. She carried a cleaned out laundry detergent bottle to hold her loot. She wasn't as fond of the costume since it made climbing steps difficult.
We had a pac-man that won "most original" in the school contest, and a cheetah with spots hand-painted on orange sweats and a homemade head cap with ears. We have let loose on the streets a Magic Parrot (don't try to find it. It is an obscure Disney film character.), a ballerina, mad scientists with smoking beakers, egyptian gods, well, the list goes on and on.
I remember my first grade year when my mother borrowed a poodle costume from my aunt. It was a hit, but I had to appear in many classrooms and bark when asked to show it off. Not my favorite halloween.
Later, the Catholic schools I attended had "All Saints" day celebrations instead of Halloween parties and the halls were filled with white garbed Marys with heads draped in blue, bearded St. Josephs, and the ever present St. Patrick. A couple angels made appearances too.
I don't go in for the fear tactic of evangelizing would be halloween celebrants with "Hell Scare" scenarios popular with some evangelical churches. I say, let the kids trick or treat, count and sort their candy (good math practice if you think about it), and eat it til its gone. You might want to help a bit. I've been known to raid one of my children's stash on a gloomy November day when I convinced myself that a piece of candy would remedy my mood.
Still, knowing the history of the name "Halloween" and celebrating the two days that follow are good practices, too. Read More
THE SCALLOP: Reflections on the Journey
All Hallows E'en
October 31, 2011
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